Wild Camping – Why Less is More!

Wild Camping – Why Less is More!

One of our directors Rich reflects on the benefits of wild camping and gives his top 5 reasons why everyone should give it a try.

Camping is great activity and the accommodation of choice for many summer family holidays in the UK and abroad. The simplicity of camping strikes a chord with many, and the benefits are both far reaching and widely acknowledged. Wild camping, takes that experience even further, surrendering even more of those everyday conveniences and with it increasing that connection between self and nature. The Summer of 2022 provided the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy numerous sea kayaking expeditions. The prolonged heatwaves made for some very comfortable overnight camps with late night and early morning dips in the warmer than average sea temperatures. A personal highlight this summer was landing a nice 3lb Bass off Budleigh Salterton, it was prepared over an open fire on the beach and enjoyed by myself and colleague Sarah at the end of a long and very hot days paddling.


‘Less is more’ certainly rings true when is comes to wild camping and here's our Top 5 reasons why we think a wild camping experience should be on everyone’s bucket list.

1. Digital Detox 

The digital era has brought about many conveniences designed to make our daily lives easier but with it comes an ever-increasing dependence either through work or our personal lives. Despite our best efforts to resist it can be a challenge to function effectively within society without it. A good old wild camping expedition has no need and often no phone signal allowing you to reap the full benefits of the wild camp experience.

2. Health Benefits

Ok, we’ll be the first to admit that it may not always be sunny when we’re out and about however access to increased sun light increases serotonin levels which has wide ranging benefits including reduced stress and anxiety and improved general well being.

A night out camping under the stars helps to regulate sleep patterns through stimulating the hormone, melatonin. Its production increases during the hours of darkness, something that we experience more of when we’re away from our city lights and homes. Camping brings the production of melatonin more in sync with our sleep hours, ensuring we sleep better when we put our heads down and are more alert when we eventually wake.

3. Time for Reflection

A break away can offer the perfect opportunity to refocus or gain clarity on things that can otherwise seem complicated when going about our daily lives. Getting out and about in remote settings, observing nature doing its thing, offers a different perspective that can make things suddenly seem a whole lot clearer than they did before. It’s something that needs to be experienced to fully understand it…

4. Personal Rewilding

Try as you might, escaping the influences of the modern world and everything it tries to push on us through advertising and popular culture is a challenge at best. But wild camping offers us the opportunity to switch off and in doing so re-wild ourselves. Practicing some more primitive survival skills is a refreshing experience that develops confidence and resilience. Construct a shelter for the night, catch your dinner and cook over an open fire, it’s a great solo or team building experience. Sounds idyllic right?

5. Education and Exploration

Mix an abundance of time with equal measures of nature and the net result is the perfect opportunity to stop, look and observe what’s around us. This allows for an explorative learning experience more akin to our childhood days, when things seemed a lot more straight forward than they do today.


Wild camping is a fantastic experience but one that needs to be conducted sensitively to ensure we don’t impact on the environment that we’re there to enjoy. Ensure the wild camping code of conduct is familiarised and practiced at all times and that you’re aware of rules relating to the legality of wild camping in certain areas of the UK. 

Wild camping is a great solo or shared experience. Taking your first wild camping experience can be a daunting prospect for some. Knowing where, when and how can present a barrier for many looking for a first experience. Combining the wild camp experience with an expedition can also provide purpose and increased challenge to the whole experience. Reach Outdoors offers Wild Kayaking and Paddleboarding Expeditions for individuals and groups looking for an overnight adventure in a remote environment. It's a 2 day, 1 night expedition where all of the planning and safety considerations are taken care of by experienced instructors, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

As mentioned earlier, we believe Wild Camping should be on everyone’s bucket list to experience at least once. If you’re looking for ‘change’ and ‘something new’ why not try it for yourself, the benefits might just surprise you!



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